Netflix is looking for candidates: streaming provider relies on reality TV
Netflix would like to significantly expand its existing range of reality TV formats. To this end, the “biggest casting call of all time” has now been initiated. The focus at the streaming provider is shifting to simple formats that are less expensive to produce.

Netflix Reality: New casting call started
Netflix wants more reality TV formats produce and is looking for participants. Interested parties are invited to submit a short video of themselves as an application. However, the videos shouldn’t be longer than a minute, says the provider.
Netflix has devised or expanded various formats, for example in the direction of Dating show or cooking show walk. Applications can also be submitted for the action format entitled “The Floor Is Lava” (source: Netflix Reality). German prospects, however, have no chance to participate in Netflix Reality. We are looking for participants from the USA, Canada, the UK and Ireland.
The new focus on reality formats is also likely to be related to the fact that this cheaper to produce are. While shows like The Witcher cost up to $ 10 million per episode, a small cooking show is a lot less expensive. What is certain, however, is that the streaming provider’s focus is shifting.
in the Video: This is the casting call for Netflix Reality.
Netflix Reality: Didn’t Learn From MTV?
Netflix’s push is reminiscent of MTV. Started as a music broadcaster and so extremely successful, more and more reality formats have been added over the years. Even if the audience ratings were very clear at first, MTV has grown with them over time made irrelevant myself. So it is to be hoped that Netflix does not forget why customers have taken out a subscription with the provider in the first place.