
my husband is not dazzled or dazzled by it’

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Money matters: one of the biggest factors that really killing are for your relationship. Because come out of that, different opinions about your financial health.

Megan (45), mediator, is married to Alberto (41), coach. They have a 5 year old son.

“Demands and payment reminders – my husband doesn’t blink or blush. Alberto is financially illiterate. When he still lived with his older brother, things were chaotic.

When Alberto received his salary he lived like a god for a week. He went to the pub, treated everyone who smiled at him, ate out and bought nice clothes. After a week his money ran out and he lived on peanut butter sandwiches. His brother made sure they were not thrown out of their house.

“He now saw me as his financial backup. Just like his brother used to be”

I myself was raised conscious of money. We could choose: either ten guilders pocket money in hand, or fifteen guilders in a savings account. I chose the latter. When I was thirteen I had eight thousand guilders in my account. When we moved in together, I quickly realized that Alberto now saw me as his financial back-up. Just like his brother used to be. He lived his life and did not care about fixed costs. I was shocked when the first reminders fell on the mat. We were months behind on rent. A mortal sin. I was furious and deeply ashamed. In the end he borrowed the money for the rent from his brother.

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The value of money

After a number of firm discussions with his parents, I decided to take over his financial management, including the payment to his brother. Alberto received pocket money. That worked fine, until the smart guy secretly opened another account into which his salary was deposited. Now he manages his money himself again, but under my supervision. No matter how childish he thinks it is, I check at the end of every month whether everything that needs to be paid has been paid. I dare not let it go.

“As childish as he thinks it is, I check at the end of every month whether everything that needs to be paid has been paid”

I playfully teach our son Lionel the value of money. He already knows everything about saving. On King’s Day he received five euros, which he could use to buy things and he had to negotiate himself. I want to raise a social and balanced child who is good with money. If I leave it to Alberto, Lionel will become a beggar, I will raise a millionaire.”

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