‘My child broke his arm in the aisle of the plane’
Image: Pexels
An accident is in a small corner, also high in the sky. Mothers Hanneke and Monique unfortunately know all about it.
Hannah (45): “We flew to America with our twins, then three. That morning they weren’t in top shape, but they weren’t sick either. That changed when we were on the road. First Anna got a high fever and not long after that Lieke too. Rick and I have been comforting and rocking back and forth non-stop for nearly nine hours; there seemed to be no end to the flight. We were devastated when we arrived. And, of course, a few days later we were also sick. We’ve had better holidays, to say the least.”
Also read – ‘My toddler cried during the entire flight to northern Spain’ >
Monique (39): “It can never be normal with us, something always happens. But that time Evan (8) fell in the aisle of the plane and broke his arm is at the top of the list of incidents that were not necessarily necessary. ‘Fortunately’ it happened on the return journey.”
This article is featured in the Kek Mama Summer Special 2022.
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