More safety for e-bikes: new invention prevents falls
More and more people are out and about with an e-bike, which is driving the accident rate up. Now Dutch researchers have developed a new aid to prevent dangerous falls. Older e-bikers in particular are kept in view.
E-bikes are enjoying increasing popularity. Older people in particular, who have to live with restricted mobility, are increasingly relying on bicycles with electrical assistance. That means more accidentswhich are not infrequently more serious than with conventional bicycles.
Steer Assist: Avoid accidents with e-bikes
Researchers from the TU Delft in the Netherlands have developed a new product for e-bikes in cooperation with the bicycle manufacturer Gazelle developed, with which falls can ideally be prevented. A prototype is now available under the name Steer Assist, which automatically takes care of the stabilization of the bike. In addition, a motor is used that can move the handlebars by itself. If the bike is in an increasingly unstable position, Steer Assist intervenes automatically.
Since it is only a prototype so far, the developers still have to struggle with all sorts of difficulties. Currently, the stabilization mechanism turns on only at very low speeds a. At higher speeds, according to the researchers, automatic intervention to prevent falls would not be worthwhile. There are also problems with weight.
There is also uncertainty in a completely different area. Since the system can access the handlebars automatically, an acceptance of the functional safety would have to be carried out by qualified bodies.
in the Video: Is this what the perfect e-bike looks like?
Accidents with e-bikes: Bosch wants to save lives
Also Bosch is working on a solution to deal with e-bike accidents, albeit under completely different circumstances. Help is to be called automatically via the Help Connect system in the event of a serious accident.