
Mega millions of fine threatens for WhatsApp

The messaging giant would have broken rules by not being transparent enough and now there is a mega million fine for WhatsApp.

Almost everyone uses WhatsApp and it is still the most popular messaging application. But the company is regularly, and increasingly, under attack. Recently, when the app changed its privacy policy. This would allow more data to be shared. The adaptation was not very far-reaching in Europe, because stricter rules apply here. But still many people switched to Signal, this competitor chat app grew in user numbers partly because of this. WhatsApp postponed the changes due to all the commotion, but there is still a mega million fine.

Facebook owns WhatsApp and that’s the problem

Facebook itself is no longer growing that fast. That is why the company buys various other applications in order to guarantee their market position and to be able to grow. And there is also the problem: what data does WhatsApp share with Facebook? The European Union has now started an investigation into this. Politico reports that the privacy rules have been violated and that a fine can be between 30 and 50 million euros. In 2018, various privacy rules were introduced in Europe, under these regulations this would even be the largest fine to date. In addition, WhatsApp may have to deal with data and sharing it in a different way.

WhatsApp is, in fine words, a ‘separate legal entity’ in Ireland. That is why the company has its own financial administration, these companies often do this because of the favorable tax rules. Ireland’s privacy watchdog will therefore file charges.

Huge amount reserved for fine

Facebook, and therefore WhatsApp, of course employs a small army of lawyers and lawyers. They can already see the downpour and foresee a mega million fine. The company has therefore already set aside nearly 80 million euros for a possible fine in November of last year. How big this will be is still unknown. However, Facebook is counting on them to pay. It is expected that at the end of this year there will only be clarity about the possible fine and whether WhatsApp must also adjust the conditions again.

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