Licking your TV for a taste experience
Watching TV can get a bit boring. A professor has the solution for this, namely a TV that you can lick to experience taste.
There are of course already some special TVs on the market. But this device, designed by a Japanese professor, takes the cake. You can lick the TV. That in itself is not so special, because you can do that with any TV. But you also taste a taste with this one. The question is: would you lick your TV?
licking tv
Doesn’t sound that good, by the way, but that didn’t stop this Japanese. The professor has developed a television screen that can mimic the flavors of food. Owners have to lick the TV for a ‘sensory experience’. The device has the matching name ‘Taste the TV’. It uses the latest technologies. There are ten different tubes in it, all of which taste different. The tubes can be sprayed together to simulate a taste. The taste sample of certain food is displayed on the screen. Then you only have to do one thing: lick. Maybe not bad at all on a cooking show.
The question is whether there is (sufficient) demand for such a TV. The device also doesn’t look like a screen. Or that it’s just a cool experiment. So it’s unclear if it will hit the market. According to the Japanese, it would cost about 770 euros to make a commercial variant. And that’s pretty cheap.
The TV can be used for various purposes. Think of distance learning for chefs. “The goal is to let people experience the food in a restaurant on the other side of the world,” says Japanese professor Homei Miyashita. He didn’t make this thing himself, but with a group of about thirty students. And this is not their first invention. Previously, they have developed a fork that should make the food taste better.