‘It was getting later, but nothing appeared on the table’
Image: Shutterstock
Having to go to the supermarket at the last minute or waiting hungry at your parent-in-law’s for food. Things can go wrong with such a Christmas dinner.
Nikki (31), mother of Juna (5) and Dot (3):
“A few years in a row we had had Christmas brunch at my parents-in-law’s house, so when we were invited to dinner again, at one o’clock, my husband, brother-in-law, sister-in-law and I assumed it would be another brunch. All four of us had deliberately not had breakfast or lunch.
“It kept getting later and later, but apart from some nibbles and Christmas wreaths, nothing appeared on the table”
It got later and later, but apart from some nibbles and Christmas wreaths, nothing appeared on the table. Around four o’clock, when my mother-in-law dived into the kitchen, we realized that the invitation for Christmas dinner was probably valid this year. We were bursting with hunger. Only when the first course was served in the evening did we confess that this was our breakfast.”
Read also – ‘I’ll admit it: I’m going crazy financially when it comes to December’ >
Christmas with Ronald
Renée (34), mother of Sanne (6) and Max (5):
My husband and I both work in healthcare. Last year we had been crazy busy and worked such long days that we couldn’t do our shopping until five o’clock in the afternoon the day before Christmas.
But when we entered the local supermarket, all the shelves seemed looted. I couldn’t find anything more festive for breakfast, nor anything to gourmet, other than a few withered tomatoes and pounds of bacon. I grabbed a package of macaroni, a carton of juice and two rolls of rusks.
“The kids thought it was a great Christmas”
So the next day we didn’t have the traditional gourmet, but at McDonald’s and Boxing Day we ate boring macaroni with cubes of ham. The children thought it was a great Christmas.”
This article appears in Kek Mama 12-2022.
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