iOS 17 gets Diary app – you can do this with it
With the arrival of iOS 17, a new app will also appear on your iPhone: the Diary app. It is a so-called journaling app. We tell you exactly what you can do with it.
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iOS 17: Diary app
A journaling app is an app for keeping track of your daily thoughts, activities, and goals. And that’s exactly what Apple invented the Diary app for. The special thing is that the Diary app also uses AI to help you with topics you need to write about.
The proposals you will receive for this are based on your behavior. That is, your behavior within your iPhone. The app uses your photos, but also the locations you visit, the music and podcasts you listen to, the workouts you do and basically anything else you can think of. Fortunately, you can decide for yourself which data the app can and cannot include in its suggestions.
Diary notifications and privacy
When the app has a new proposal for you to write about, you will automatically be notified. You can also set up notifications yourself to remind yourself to write about your day.

Just like with any diary, you don’t want anyone else to be able to read what you write in this app. Fortunately, Apple also gives privacy a high priority here. All content is encrypted, meaning no one else can access it. Not even Apple itself. Moreover, it is also possible to lock Diary, for that extra bit of security.
Journaling app Day One
Apple Diary has to compete with the popular journaling app Day One. You can only try out the Diary app when you have iOS 17. If you’ve never tried a journaling app, you can check out Day One right now. Then you can already experience a bit of what you can expect from Diary.

Day One Diary: Private Diary
Bloom Built Inc

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