Instagram adds ‘most requested feature ever’
Good news for Instagram users: according to Mark Zuckerberg, the most requested feature ever is being added to the platform. We’ll tell you which one it is.
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New feature on Instagram
Another update is available for Instagram. The update again contains bug fixes and performance improvements, just like any other Instagram update. Boring. But in addition, this update brings a very interesting feature to Instagram, by Mark Zuckerberg himself even called the ‘most requested feature ever’.
Also read: Soon you will be able to schedule Instagram posts (but not everyone)
As of the new update, it is finally possible to post multiple links in the bio of your Instagram account. Before the update this was not possible, you could only post one link in the description of your account. This often went to the external service Linktree. After the update, this will work slightly differently. We explain what your bio will look like after the update.
Add more links to your bio
The bio is the descriptive text that you can add to your Instagram account. A bio often contains a link to a website. This can be anything, for example a news site referring to a news article or an influencer referring to his or her sponsor. It used to be that you could only link to one website in your bio, which led to frustration for many Instagram users.
After the new update, it is therefore possible for everyone to refer to as many as five different websites in the description of your profile. Of these websites, only the first one is visible, the other sites are hidden under ‘other links’. Because of this, it is still important that you choose which link you put at the top. But at least you have a little more freedom in sharing links in your bio on Instagram.

More new features on Instagram
Adding multiple links in your bio on Instagram is just one of the new features the company has launched recently. For example, Instagram Notes was recently presented. These are messages that consist of up to 60 characters and emojis. Just like with your Instagram Stories, the text messages will disappear within 24 hours. With Notes, the company is directly competing with Twitter.
Read also: New WhatsApp (Web) function: this is how you hide that you are online
In addition, it has recently become possible to pay for verification on Instagram and Facebook. By taking out a subscription, also known as ‘Meta Verified’, you will receive a blue check mark behind your username. Of course we already know that verification logo from Twitter, which has had a similar subscription for a number of months. Instagram has now also introduced the function.
According to Zuckerberg, this fits in with the plan to give both Instagram and WhatsApp more paid features in the future. A special department has even been set up for this at Meta, the parent company of the services. Are you curious what exactly we can expect from this? Then check this article about the plans to introduce more paid features on Instagram and WhatsApp.
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