ING Banking app now lets you download statements
A new update is being rolled out in the Google Play Store for the ING Banking app. The application allows customers to download statements. Handy for your administration.
ING: download statements
Where you were previously directed to the ING website to download account statements, this has been made a lot easier for you with the latest update of the ING Banking app. The update will now be distributed via the Google Play Store. Thanks to the innovations, you can now directly download ING statements via the app. Its operation is very simple.
In the ING Banking app, select the account from which you want to download a statement. Then choose the purple-colored ‘Settings’ button at the top of the screen. In the overview that you get, scroll down where you will find the option ‘Download statements’. Here you choose a fixed period, or you can adjust the dates yourself. Before you tap save, choose the file type; such as a CSV document or a PDF file. You can download the update for the ING Banking app from the Google Play Store.