In Ireland, telephone boxes are being replaced by electric charging stations
This week, too, is once again all about electric mobility. At the beginning of the week, we showed you that long journeys with an electric vehicle no longer have to be an exception, but rather will become the rule in the future. Today we look at the construction of the necessary infrastructure. While we in Germany are already doing relatively well, other nations in the EU still have a lot to catch up with.
One of these nations is Ireland. The country has also committed itself to the European climate targets, but the charging infrastructure still looks rather poor. This is despite the fact that the Irish government wants to see a million electric vehicles on the roads by 2030. The operator EasyGo and the local Telekom have come up with something so that the fear of getting stranded is no longer justified.
According to this, 180 telephone booths in the country are to be replaced by fast charging stations in the future. Then it should also be possible to “fill up” a range of 100 kilometers within 20 minutes. And that at a price of less than 5 euros. The initiative is intended to equip remote areas with a low-cost connection.
This solves two problems at once. On the one hand, the use of telephone booths is also falling significantly in Ireland, on the other hand there is the lack of charging stations mentioned at the beginning, which will be remedied by the expansion. Old, disused infrastructure is replaced by new, modern infrastructure.

The future of electric mobility requires creative ideas in many places. The example from Ireland shows that you don’t always have to build a completely new infrastructure, but can use existing technologies. The advantage of phone booths is that they are usually in places that are more frequented. In this way, the charging station can also be found later where it is needed earlier.
via RTE