
In addition to the film, Need for Speed ​​could have a TV show -apkrig

Need for Speed ​​is not just a video game series. Although it counts a lot of episodes and this is the first thing that players will remember when pronouncing its name, film fans might remember the film of the same name with Aaron Paul. And if fate were in favor, we could add a TV show to the film. The concept of the television competition, which never took place, was discussed by its former producer Craig Lieberman, who added some interesting facts and also the reason why the show never took place.

If it doesn’t happen to be visible directly from the video, Lieberman is a huge fan of cars, which he proved as a technical consultant for the film series Fast and Furious. For this reason, he had a desire to create television shows that would draw on the popularity of the film, but he did not always succeed. This was also the case with the reality television show Need for Speed, with which he approached the developers of Electronic Arts during the development of NFS Underground, in which he – also as a technical consultant – partially participated. According to Lieberman, the EA people were enthusiastic and sent him to Universal Pictures’ offices to discuss when the show might take place.

They, too, were supposed to be the original concept of enthusiasm, and Libereman makes it clear why. The competition was to consist of several parts, one of which was to play the aforementioned Need for Speed. However, shopping was supposed to be a little more interesting and probably even more fun, when the individual teams had to apply everything they could need from the shelves in the selected store in 60 seconds, and the production paid for all the components. Furthermore, the built car was to be evaluated, including online voting, which Libereman did not like very much, but it was one of the conditions. And then there were to be races, including a track or a toy car race, a competition to install a turbo as quickly as possible and, most importantly, to measure the performance of the speaker system.

The final of the competition was to have one witty reversal, Lieberman said, and the competitors probably wouldn’t be enthusiastic. The last two teams were to step into the large warehouse, where the Nissan Skyline was exhibited as Lieberman’s team built it for Need for Speed. This was to give the competitors the feeling that they would race in this car. Subsequently, the team had to carefully select one representative who will race against the competitor from the other team.

The only catch was that the budget was set at $ 6.5 million, which, according to Lieberman, would make the television competition one of the most expensive projects of this format at the time. The enthusiastic producer didn’t get the money and this is where the whole story ends. However, he adds a bit ironically that nowadays only similar competitions can be found on YouTube and even television does not skimp on them. But that was the mood at the time, and Need for Speed ​​remains, at least for now, just a game and a movie.

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