“I’m just not a primeval mother!”
Image: Shutterstock
A beautiful baby who never cries, a full night’s sleep and always looking great: it is a beautiful fairytale picture of motherhood, but not always realistic.
Bridget (35):maternity messages
Nor would I become such a worn-out, exhausted mother. I had also read all the books about babies and sleep, so my night’s sleep would be fine.
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Chronic fatigue
Soon I came home from a rude awakening. And so I squeaked to the supermarket in sweatpants and unwashed hair. And chronic fatigue turned out to be something you get as a gift with motherhood.
“I patched myself up and tried to be the perfect mama”
One day I went to lunch on a terrace with two friends and Moos. I was dead tired, but I’d patched myself up and tried to be the perfect mama. It went reasonably well until Moos decided to scream uncontrollably throughout the terrace. Something clicked in my head and I cried out: ‘I’m just not a primeval mother!’
My girlfriends were really sweet and comforted me and then all three of us started laughing really hard about the situation. They still sometimes shout in unison: I’m just not a primeval mother! After that I luckily became a bit kinder to myself and other mothers. It doesn’t have to be perfect.”
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