I have already rejected over 30 publishers, says the author of the game Beware -apkrig
At the beginning of July, we reminded you of the Czech “horror on wheels” Beware and then sat behind the wheel of the car in the stream. The game, which Ondřej Švadlena has been working on for several years, is of great interest to us and, according to the responses, has also fascinated you. So we wanted to bring you more details that you asked. But this mysterious mix of Driver and Silent Hill doesn’t exactly waste details about itself, so it was clear to me from the beginning that I would have to go straight to the source for more information.
How long exactly is Beware in development? Mentions on the Internet can be traced back to at least 2014, but from what I’ve been looking, plans may have started to emerge in your head around 2011…
It’s been a long time. If I remember correctly, I first downloaded Unity (because I always support non-Bavarians) at the end of 2010. I was disappointed with Test Drive Unlimited 2 at the time, so I naively said, “Why not try making your own game?” In addition, I still had in my head a response from fans of my animated films, who regretted that due to the short format they could no longer stay in the worlds I had created. And so the path of “video games” seemed to me to be an ideal new direction. However, until 2016, I was still working on my latest film, Time Rodent, so I didn’t start working fully on Beware until after that.
To what extent does the current vision correspond to the original intention and how much has the game changed over the years?
At the time, at the beginning, I was primarily concerned with creating a realistic driving simulation set in an open world. Later, there was an effort to create a dark and mysterious atmosphere. For a while, it went in the direction that the game would be such an addition to the film, but in the end and over time, the project gained its independence and identity. Then there were the addition of key topics that I wanted to incorporate into the game non-violently. For example, artificial intelligence and robotics, dependence on electricity and some social issues. I think it’s good that it could have matured with enough time. Although even the current vision is not final. It is still evolving organically, which ultimately corresponds to my long-standing approach to creation.
What’s going on
In Beware, you drive your car on a dark rainy and foggy night, and as if that weren’t enough on its own, other cars will start chasing you. We will move through an open world and the atmosphere will obviously be full of tension and disorientation. The game is inspired by the effort to escape the StB. The pursuers are trying to force you to crash and catch up. Therefore, realistic physics and car control play an important role. In this regard, the author should have addressed the first Driver years ago. Beware is powered by the Unity engine.
Is the setting closer to reality or fiction? Should we count on supernatural or futuristic elements?
It is more of a parallel world, where development has gone in a slightly different direction. There is a combination of past and future, so probably more towards science fiction.
How crucial was the inspiration for memories of the persecution of state security?
The pressure of the StB was then rather another reason to flee the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic, but I was 6 years old, so the night escape through the mountains itself stuck in my head. Mainly the border crossing down in the valley – traffic lights, barking dogs and shouting border guards. That is one of the inspirations. Another event was in 2000, when a truck chased us on a highway in South Carolina at night.
Will the whole world be open, or divided into some regions separated by loading?
From the beginning, the intention was to have an open world without loading, but the question was whether it would be technically possible. In the last few weeks, I’ve brought all the regions together and it works great.
The game is often referred to as horror in the car. Does it fit your idea?
Not at all. But horror seems to be a popular genre that has long suffered from a lack of innovation, so calling it horror is offered as an effective clickbait. That’s just my interpretation. The game certainly contains scary passages, yes. But it’s not the basis, which will be clearer in the finished version.
It’s a long-term onslaught on the psyche every month not knowing if there will be enough to rent, food, health and chase license fees are also ruthless, at least in Germany, where we currently live
Does Beware have a clear story and motive, or is it more about the atmosphere and feeling unknown?
The intention is a balanced mixture of all these mentioned elements. My wife and I are working on the story so far, it is in the development phase. The motives have been clearer for a long time. They should symbolically reflect our current reality, but I place great emphasis on ensuring that it is neither moralizing nor too intrusive.
What exactly is the goal of the game? Is it possible to reveal what is waiting for us and what we are striving for?
The goal is to reach the finish line. But here it is also true that the journey is the goal and not the goal itself.
I was very surprised when we arrived in the South City in the unfinished version. Does this mean that we will come across other real places in the game, or what kind?
Yes, there are partially altered real places mixed with fictitious ones. For example, the region around Slap, the Garzweiler open pit mine and the aforementioned Southern Town.
Am I right in saying that you do everything in the game, including the audio, yourself?
More or less yes. A composer I’ve been working with for 25 years helps me with some of the music, and my wife helps me with the story.

Try the game
You can still find a demo version from 2019 on Indie DB, but the current unfinished versions are only available on Patreon. Here, Ondřej has his port, where players can financially support him in his work. The monthly contribution is $ 5, so you can taste the interim results. Anyone who supports the project with a total of at least $ 30 can look forward to the full version when it comes out.
Do you have enough funds and supporters at this time to finish the game?
I have to finish the game one way or another, there is no way back for a long time. As for finances, with scratched ears. It is a long-term onslaught on the psyche every month not knowing if there will be enough to rent, food, health and chase licensees are also ruthless, at least in Germany, where we currently live. It would certainly help if there were a few more supporters. However, I must also add that I have already been approached by more than thirty publishers. But in the end I decided to reject everything. In my opinion, this would be too threatening the true independence and distinctive vision of the project.
Will the game be released next year?
Perhaps yes, it is in my own interest. But fortunately, I can afford to move it if necessary. It would be a shame to work on something long enough to finally push out the unfinished eggs in a hurry.
Will Beware get on the console as well?
I’d be glad. But it is quite probable that the PC version will be released first and only then will I focus on the ports.
See our older article for more details on Beware.