‘I had a blast when I saw a wildly pointing window cleaner in front of my window’
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Thinking that the wild-waving window cleaner is trying to flirt with you or taking a compliment from your colleague completely wrong. Try not to hide after these blunders.
Hilke (35) is married and mother of Sil (4) and Roman (2).
“Having only moved into our apartment in a high residential tower in the Randstad for a few weeks, I once walked naked into the bedroom and found two men with chamois leather and a safety belt in front of my window, I only open my curtains when everyone in the house is decent . So I suspected nothing but some mischief when I saw a wildly pointing window cleaner dangling in front of my living room window on my mom’s day.
I waved back with my sweetest smile. Still nice, a bit of confirmation during a sloppy day with my hair in a greasy bun. The window cleaner shook his head busily and pointed again. Yes, yes, I knew, he liked to see me.
“Nice, a bit of confirmation during a sloppy day”
I laughed aloud back at him and made a gesture of dismissal that he could now go back to work. I gave one more sexy smile, turned around – to find my oldest son, then two, perched on a stool on the kitchen island. A dead man’s trick to get to the candy cane on the extractor hood.
Startled, I fished him off his construction, after which I understood what the window cleaner was pointing to all along. Embarrassed, I mimicked a thank you with apologetic gestures. Next time he will have a cup of coffee – provided my curtains are open.”
Also read – ‘I thought I had sjans, so I didn’t’ >
She still has it
Iris (34) lives together and is the mother of Roosje (6) and Spring (4).
“I was so excited to go back to work after my second birth. ‘You look beautiful,’ said the new, young colleague. “Or were you this radiant before your mother was born?” Well, well, he could do that again. I appreciated his compliment, but I was ten years older and, hello, like a mother. “You slime ball,” I winked, and even stroked his shoulder to reinforce my flirtation. Wow, just gave birth and I still had it.
“I even stroked his shoulder to reinforce my flirtation”
My colleague looked at me in shock. ‘Um, I’m asking this for my pregnant girlfriend,’ he stammered, ‘she’s always been a bit heavier, but now she’s feeling really depressed. I was hoping you could tell me if that would be all right, because you look so happy.’ Ouch: reality check. Fortunately, we both had a laugh about it, and things were right from the start when I could speak to him encouragingly – as an old, wise mother.”
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