“I dragged my child upstairs and locked him up”
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And suddenly you’re so tired of the whining and sucking, the whining and dawdling that you go completely crazy and threaten to get rid of your little kid.
Imke (34), mother of Moos (5) and Tijn (1):
“Moos is a tough guy, he can provoke me to the limit. Like the other day, when he kept talking to me. Non-stop, no matter what I said and how many times I warned him. Something snapped. I grabbed his arm, dragged him upstairs and locked him in his bedroom with the door handle up. Peace at last. And no, I didn’t feel guilty about that, because I only get angry when he really goes too far.”
‘I’ll get rid of you’
Marina (31), mother of Boris (3):
“I consciously chose to be a stay-at-home mom for the first four years, but sometimes being at home gets to my throat. Especially when Boris festers, is selectively deaf and ignores my beam. “Do you know what I’m doing?” I sneered on such a day. “I’ll get rid of you and go back to work.”
I meant that from now on Boris would go to a nursery, but the poor boy I thought wanted to put him on the street and never come back. He panics if I sit on the toilet for two seconds, so that was really sad.”
Read also – Lost patience: “Mommy, don’t drive away without me!” >
Arine (30), mother of Alex and Lonne (3):
“Alex has slept very badly for a while. At the slightest thing she woke up and screamed at foghorn volume that she had lost her stuffed animal, wanted to sleep with me or was thirsty. I can’t bear those broken nights.
When she screamed for the umpteenth time that she was scared, I yelled, “You must be fucking scared of me, if you wake me up!” I can still see her big, terrified eyes before me. It took me half an hour to calm her down. The tough loveapproach apparently does not work.”
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