
‘I disappeared with the very nice tennis teacher’

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With the butterflies in your stomach, sometimes some blunders happen that it is best to laugh about.

Shelly (29), mother of Nio (6):

“Nio was a real gift. My ex-girlfriend was pregnant when we started dating. From day one he felt like my child. I was more attached to him than to his mother, it soon became apparent; Our relationship broke down after a year.


Nio is still with me every other weekend. He thinks that is a joy, because he shares my passion for tennis. And so it happened that he played carefree on the court during a youth tournament, while I disappeared in the kitchen with the very nice tennis teacher.

“I could sink through the ground”

It was just time for the first awards ceremonies when Nio came into the cafeteria and couldn’t find me. ‘Your mother is puking between the bitterballen!’ shouted an older member of the club, just as I stepped into the cafeteria.

I could sink through the ground, but Nio saved the day, and without realizing how striking it was, said, “And that’s why her balls are the best.” The tennis teacher is still my courtship.”

Also read – ‘My date and I were caught by my son at 4 AM’ >

A new father

Maryanne (35), mother of Louis (6):

“Spring, a terrace in the city. After an afternoon of shopping, Louis and I ordered two glasses of homemade iced tea. ‘You are lucky,’ the waiter said to Louis, ‘to go out with such a beautiful lady.’ Louis didn’t flinch, took a sip of his drink, and said, ‘She’s just my mother, and I already have a father, but she’s looking for a new one.’”

This article appears in Kek Mama 09-2022.

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