
Hydrogen gas heating instead of a heat pump: consumer advocates warn of deceptive packaging

From 2024, only climate-friendly heating systems should be allowed to be installed in Germany. Hydrogen should also play a major role, because gas heaters that are H2-ready are still permitted and can also be newly installed. Consumer advocates are now warning of precisely these devices.

Consumer advocates: hydrogen gas heaters have a problem

If your heating system breaks down after 2024, then a new heating system must run on 65 percent renewable energy. This can be achieved, for example, with a heat pump or a pellet stove. However, gas heaters can also be installed Are H2-ready and work with green hydrogen. But this is exactly what consumer advocates are now warning of (source: Mirror).

Accordingly, it says there that hydrogen produced with renewable energies will only be available in small quantities for the foreseeable future. By 2030 or even until 2045 should hydrogen therefore for private use don’t play a big role, since it will hardly be available. In addition, the price of hydrogen will be significantly higher, so that the purchase of a heat pump will be financially much more worthwhile in the long run. According to consumer advocates, consumer deception can only be countered by full transparency.

Many H2-ready gas heaters could currently still not even 100 percent powered by hydrogen become. Instead, a maximum of 20 to 30 percent is possible, so that the specification of a 65 percent climate-friendly heating system is not met at all. Consumers should therefore obtain detailed information in order not to make an expensive bad investment.

What you need to know about heat pumps:

New heating only with energy consultant

If you want to install a new heating system, then you should only do it with an energy consultant. In contrast to classic gas heaters, climate-friendly heaters such as heat pumps are significantly more demanding in terms of temperature range and insulation. In addition, this is the only way you will receive the full funding.

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