How to open small keys in Resident Evil 4 Remake

Early on in Resident Evil 4 Remake, you’ll come across locked drawers that you can’t open at first. We’ll show you where you can find small keys that you can use to open all locked drawers.

Platforms:Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Nintendo Wii
Open locked drawers
To open locked drawers, you need to find small keys. As a rule, you will always first come across a drawer before you later find a corresponding key. However, always interact with the drawers so that they are marked on your map and you can find them again later.
There are exactly eight keys and eight drawers in the game. Five each in the village and three each in the castle. If you want to open all the drawers, you have to look out for the keys. In the drawers you will always find treasures that you can sell for many pesetas.
So that you don’t miss any loot, we’ll show you below all locations for small keys and locked drawers.
Locations for Small Keys
Small keys in the village:
Small keys in the castle:
Locations of all drawers
Locked drawers in the village:
Locked drawers in the castle:
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