
How to end your Plus subscription

Want to cancel your Apple TV subscription? We’ll show you the different ways you can end your Plus subscription.

With Apple TV Plus, Apple has its own streaming service established. The company launched the platform in November 2019 in over 100 countries, including Germany.

With its streaming service, Apple offers an extensive portfolio of series, films and documentaries. Also: The Appel Originals, which the US group produced exclusively. Subscribers can access the full offering through the Apple TV app, which comes pre-installed on Apple devices.

Apple TV Plus subscription with increased prices

Initially, the cost of an Apple TV Plus subscription was €4.99. But in October 2022, the iPhone group increased its prices. Since then, the regular Apple TV Plus subscription has cost €6.99 per month. In combination with a One subscription, customers currently pay 16.95 euros per month.

Apple’s regular Plus offering is still below the cost of other streaming providers. Nevertheless, users keep wanting to cancel again and again for various reasons.

Cancellation period: How to end your Apple TV Plus subscription

Since there is currently no minimum term for an Apple TV Plus subscription, you can cancel it at any time on a monthly basis. Incidentally, it is completely sufficient to submit the cancellation about 24 hours before the automatic renewal.

However, if you are currently using an Apple TV Plus trial subscription, you must ensure that you do not cancel it until the end of the term. Because as soon as you cancel the free subscription, you no longer have access to it. Access expires immediately upon termination and does not continue until the end of the trial period.

How do I cancel Apple TV?

If you use Apple TV but have decided not to continue your subscription, we’ll help you through the process. In only few steps you can cancel your subscription. The process depends on which device you want to use for the cancellation.

Cancel Apple TV on iPhone or iPad

  1. First you open the Ideas on your device.
  2. Then tap yours names.
  3. Then select “subscriptions” out of.
  4. Now tap on your subscription from Apple TV Plus.
  5. In the last step you choose “cancel subscription’ – you may have to scroll down to do this.

Cancel Apple TV on Mac

  1. First you open it App Store.
  2. There you click on yours names. If you can’t find it, you have to register first.
  3. Then you click on “Account Settings“.
  4. Now scroll down and select “subscriptions” and then go to “Administer“.
  5. Next to the subscription, click on “Edit“.
  6. After that you choose “cancel subscription” out of.

Cancel Apple TV on Windows

  1. First you open iTunes on your pc. If you haven’t used the program yet, you have to download.
  2. From the menu bar at the top of the iTunes window, choose “accounts‘ and then click ‘View my account“.
  3. After that, scroll down to the “Ideas“. Here you click on “subscriptions” and “Administer“.
  4. Then you look for it Apple TV Plus subscription and click on “Edit“.
  5. Then you select “cancel subscription” out of. The same applies here: if this option is not available, the subscription has already been cancelled.

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