
How Rich Is Kate Bush Getting From Stranger Things 4?

Singer Kate Bush tops the charts with her 1985 single “Running up that Hill” since the song appeared in Stranger Things 4. How rich will that make her?

Kate Bush storms the charts with her 37-year-old hit “Running up that Hill”. For example, Stranger Things 4 suddenly made her number 1 on the Billboard Global 200 and the song was the most streamed worldwide in the month of June. Not bad for a song Kate released in the eighties.

“Running up that Hill” can be heard several times in this season of Stranger Things. For example, we see the character Max Mayfield (played by Sadie Sink) fleeing from the upside down world while Kate Bush blares from the speakers.

Top of the charts

As a result, a whole new generation is discovering Kate Bush’s music. She was suddenly number 1 in Norway and Austria. In the United States, the song even made it to the top 5 with a number 4 listing. A Kate Bush single has never been so high in the American charts.

All that success is of course no harm to her. She didn’t have to do anything for it, just wait 37 years. Now the money can flow in. And it does, because while many artists sell their rights to secure their retirement, build their own amusement park or simply to pay for their addiction, Kate Bush still fully owns her own music.

Her own record label Noble & Brite is the rightful owner of the music and lyrics. Only the distribution is in the hands of a third party, the Warner Music Group. So it has done its job well.

57 million streams worldwide in one week

That means that the singer collects the majority of the royalties for the use and streaming of “Running up that Hill”. Perhaps more than 80 percent if the agreement with Warner does not deviate from what is usual.

At the beginning of June, the song reached 57 million streams worldwide in one week on Spotify alone. That alone would be good for about $200,000 in royalties in one week, according to

That excludes other music streamers and the digital and physical sales of her single. Don’t forget the radio airplay. Kate Bush is the only songwriter and performer on the credits so that income is 100 percent for her. Plus of course what Netflix has transferred for the use of the track.

Short and sweet: How rich will Kate Bush get from Stranger Things 4? Very rich. Although we probably didn’t need to feel sorry for her. Stranger Things 4 vol 2 will be released on Netflix on Friday and the money tap can open a little further.

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