How much have e-shops in the Czech Republic and Slovakia embellished Black Friday discounts?
We believe that many have already seen the practice. The seller is deploying allegedly an extra advantageous discount offer and waving in front of your eyes numbers with a percent sign, when in fact products or services before the event became more expensive, or counts the discount from some original, retail or previously completely non-existent values. For such cases, it is good to use the Shop Guard tool on the “Czech Internet”, which we informed about last year. The authors of this project now they came up with an annual analysisas it looked in the e-shops at Black Friday in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.
Shop guard and analysis of e-shops in the Czech Republic and Slovakia at Black Friday 2021
Some online stores are already honest switched to an ethical (and EU-required) system from Maywhich takes into account actual recent prices at discounts. These are Alza and CZC, who follow other nice examples. They are among a few major retailers that have store watchers has been controlling for several yearsso the shift is visible. For the same period of time, the project has been analyzing’s offer, which has not turned out so well. Discounts are calculated from retail prices.
TS Bohemia, for example, is in a similar situation, with crossed-out prices appearing in its offer appeared on the site before Black Friday and were not listed earlier. In addition, the product within the BF campaign cost more than the price for which the vast majority of the period from July 2020 to October 2021 was sold.
For the rest of the results, be sure to take a direct look at the complete analysis. You will find in it, for example, that In fact, the Dobrovský Books had the biggest discounts. During data collection, i new price “magic”, which sellers try to confuse customers. They practice AAA Auto, Notino or The shop keeper for this year also added several other monitored stores and introduced a single rating.
How much do you control the discounts offered?
Source: Shopkeeper / Jakub Balada