Do you really want to get scared? We present you the best horror films of the moment on Netflix and Amazon Prime Video.

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Your watchlist is empty and you would like to turn off the light again in the evening and watch a really nice horror film? Then you’ve come to the right place: We’ll provide you with the 30 best horror films right now on Netflix and Amazon Prime Video in front.

Below we show you classics like Shining (1980) or Hereditary (2018) on the streaming platforms, but also not quite as well-known horror pearls as Catacombs (2014). This horror film takes you deep, deep into the Parisian catacombs and further down until you enter a completely different world.

Here we introduce you to the 30 best horror films on Netflix and Amazon Prime Video:

Quick tip, if you want a recommendation right away: The Fear Street Trilogy on Netflix

If you want it to be quick, we recommend a recently released horror trilogy on Netflix: In the Three Fear Street parts follows her as a group of young adults investigate a cruel curse that haunts their home in Shadyside. In addition to good actors and a high production quality, the Fear Street films are one thing above all else: quite brutal and surprisingly entertaining. Also included are Sadie Sink (Stranger Things) and Ted Sutherland (Red Dead Redemption 2).

Since all three films have already appeared on Netflix, you can simply go through the series for one or two days.

Incidentally, the three-part series is based on the horror books by RL Stine – you may know them from your youth, because they were tough competition for the goosebumps books. But don’t be deceived: Fear Street on Netflix is ​​a FSK18 production and by no means suitable for the faint-hearted among you.