
Google FreddieMeter will tell you if you sing like a legend

Freddie Mercury was without a doubt one of the best singers in all of music history. In the eyes of many fans, even the very best. If you occasionally sing the most famous freaks with him or his entire band Queen at times, at work or just at home (let them throw a stone at someone who has never done it), you must have been carried away and imagined that you sing almost like him. And you know what? There is a tool that is able to verify this. His name is FreddieMeter and produced directly by Google as part of its Experiments project.

The principle is very simple. You enter a page of the same name, which is connected directly to YouTube Music (don’t worry, you don’t need an account), you choose one of the four famous songs and try to sing as accurately as possible as a famous star. You can even turn on the camera and shoot during these artistic experiments. After singing several verses, the instrument analyzes how close you were to Freddie in terms of pitch, melody and tone of voice. Be sure to try it, even with friends. It’s a lot of fun and a challenge.

Which singers do you rank in your TOP 5?

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