OnePlus brings its Red Cable Club to Germany. Through the benefits program, members receive a discount of up to 50 percent on certain OnePlus products. In addition, some products should be made accessible earlier.

OnePlus: The company behind the

OnePlus: Advantage program started with discounts

The Chinese manufacturer OnePlus offers its Red Cable Club now also in Europe. After the benefits program found many supporters in India, European users can now also receive a discount when ordering OnePlus products. In addition, there are no shipping costs for members.

In order to make the free offer even more palatable to interested parties, they can, if required, receive “the next premium audio product from OnePlus” earlier than the general public. This should be the wireless mini headphones OnePlus Buds Z2 act that will probably be presented in December. The OnePlus 10 (Pro) mobile phone was not available earlier.

OnePlus has considered several membership levels, which are defined by a “value”. The higher the “value”, the greater the discount. For cell phones, the discount is between 2 and 10 percent, with accessories even between 10 and 50 percent (Source: OnePlus). Registration is via the OnePlus website or the OnePlus Store app.

OnePlus Store

OnePlus Store

Developer: OnePlus USA Corp

Saving money when shopping online: This way you don’t pay the full price.

OnePlus: More sales mean higher discounts

In order to be able to climb a higher membership level, orders must be placed in the OnePlus shop. Points collected in this way will then remain valid for a period of two years. To register with the Red Cable Club, there is 30 points as starting credit, for a (also free) subscription to the club, OnePlus lets you jump another 20 points. If notifications are activated on the mobile phone, the score increases by 5. The names of the levels are Explorer, Insider, Elite and Supreme.