Galaxy Watch3 gets a new tweak in the update of the new Samsung
Currently, the latest smart watches from Samsung Galaxy Watch3 are receiving an update with several new features. Among other things, there is support for new SmartThings Find search system. It was introduced separately a few weeks ago and is based on, for example, the functionality of the new Galaxy SmartTag localization tag. The Korean company is gradually introducing this own technology for older devices as well. Currently SmartThings Find is heading to the Galaxy Watch3. The arrival of the update was announced by the TizenHelp server. The package is about 75 megabytes.
Thanks to SmartThings Find in Galaxy Watch3 it is possible in the mobile application find their exact location. In addition to this new feature, which may help locate the watch from your mobile phone up to 120 meters and with the help of other users virtually anywhere in the world, other news have appeared in the watch with the update. For example, you can use your watch to invite friends to walk together or try it out new indoor activities. The system is now also a little more sensitive when starting and pausing activities automatically.
Have you ever looked for a watch? How did it end up?
Zdroj: TizenHelp