
Fynn Kliemann’s masks and generational conflicts

We hope you had a good day and now we want to give you some exciting information to take with you into the evening. t3n Daily is also available as a podcast and as a newsletter. Here are the topics of the day.

Mask affair about Fynn Kliemann: Youtuber has to pay a fine

The Fynn-Kliemann affair seems to be over. The influencer and Youtuber was investigated for fraud due to a mask affair. The process is now closed, as reported by Business Insider.

Accordingly, Kliemann has no criminal record, but has to pay a fine of 20,000 euros. A quarter each, i.e. 5,000 euros, goes to Unicef, the Child Protection Agency, Doctors Without Borders and Arche.

Jan Böhmermann and the team behind the ZDF Magazin Royale got the affair rolling. They had discovered that the “Oderso” masks from Kliemann and his former business partner Tom Illbruck were not produced in Portugal in a fair and ecological manner as advertised, but came from Bangladesh and Vietnam. This not only deceived consumers, but also sales partners such as refugee camps as “donation” recipients with faulty masks.

This is how you avoid generational conflicts in the workplace

Gen Z and older generations often clash when it comes to their role in the labor market. Those born between 1997 and 2012 are then accused of making many demands but having little work ethic. Such accusations are often made by baby boomers, but even by millennials. This can lead to a lack of understanding and uncertainty in companies where different generations work together.

For Christoph Magnussen, founder of the new work consultancy Blackboat, which strengthens cooperation in companies in the long term, one element is crucial to prevent this: communication. He advocates setting up rules for communication in organizations. In this way, a kind of manifesto could be developed that regulates the coexistence of generations in the workplace.

Nintendo is apparently taking action against leakers

It’s a kind of game that has now become established: as soon as a large company is working on a new product, it usually doesn’t take long for information about it to become public. The Switch 2 that Nintendo is working on is no different.

Particularly detailed leaks about the Switch successor came on Reddit from a man who calls himself “Factory Uncle” and apparently works in one of Nintendo’s production lines. This means he has first-hand information.

Now Factory Uncle has been banned from the forum where he shared his leaks. And rumor has it that even Nintendo is behind it. The company probably took action to keep the extent of the Nintendo Switch 2 leaks as low as possible.

Too realistic: criticism of the new Tiktok filter

A new Tiktok filter is causing an uproar because it is so realistic that it unsettles numerous users. The filter called “Bold Glamor” not only gives a person’s face a light make-up, but also optimizes the bone structure, smoothes the skin and enlarges the lips. Apparently, this makes it so realistic that parts of the press refer to it as either “terrifying” or “psychological warfare”.

Critics worry that its effects could negatively impact a person’s self-esteem and body image. They find that it helps to implement an unrealistic standard of beauty, especially in the case of young women. According to augmented reality consultant Luke Hurd, “Bold Glamor” arguably uses machine learning technologies to be that good.

Specially developed AI bot advises Romanian president

AI is finding its way into more and more areas of life. Romanian researchers have now developed a “volunteer AI consultant” who is supposed to advise none other than the president.

Ion, as the bot is called, is supposed to reveal real-time information about what the Romanian population is thinking. The use of artificial intelligence is “not an option, but an obligation to make better decisions,” said Prime Minister Nicolea Ciucă when introducing the bot, which was presented as a mirror-like structure with a beeping interface.

Announced as a world first, the bot will use “publicly available data from social networks” to “capture opinions in society,” according to a Romanian government document.

That’s it for today’s t3n daily. You can find much more about all aspects of digital life, working life and the future around the clock at t3n.de.

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