‘From an early age, my daughter has seen ghosts around her bed’
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From an early age, Livia senses things in old buildings and sees ghosts around her bed at night, making her afraid to sleep. Not everything children say can be dismissed as ‘a vivid fantasy’.
Jacqueline (37), mother of Livia (13) and Thomas (11):
“From an early age, Livia has sensed things. Once we were in a castle in Wales and she turned pale and limp. Once outside, she visibly improved. When she got older, she said that there were ‘ghosts’ around her bed at night and that she didn’t dare to sleep.
“Every night there were ‘ghosts’ around her bed.”
When she was also afraid to go to the bathroom, I went with her to a psychic friend. They had a good conversation about what she saw. The medium indicated that my daughter has “come back” to Earth for a reason. Livia seems to have hundreds of lives on it. The ghosts she sees are therefore not there to frighten her, but to pass on messages as a medium. Since then, Livia sleeps better and is less afraid.
Also read – Jessy is a medium: ‘My children think it’s normal that I have contact with the deceased’ >
In the family
At the year-end party of group 8, a fortune teller was hired for the children in her group. She also told Livia that she would later do the same as she did: help and advise people using what she sees. This woman didn’t know my daughter and school didn’t know about the clairvoyant story either. My son also feels energies in a space. He’s kind of an ‘animal whisperer’. That’s how he knew that our dog would die in the short term, which it did. In any case, animals are always drawn to him like a magnet.
“I think it is extra important to properly guide and support my children in this”
I am very open to it myself, because I also experience it, just differently. I am supposedly clairaudient and claircognizant and receive information in my sleep. Although it was never called that way in my youth and no attention was paid to it. That is why I think it is extra important to properly guide and support my children in this. Two weeks ago I went to the movies with Livia The sixth sense looked. A feast of recognition, which means that she now also looks at the ‘posse’ in her room with different eyes.”
This article can be found in Kek Mama 01-2022.
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