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Freezing Bitcoin accounts: a new weapon against “dissidents”?

Justin Trudeau doesn’t like having his authority questioned. Like a child who was denied a Power Ranger, he decided to “piss off” the participants of the ” freedom convoy “, this heterogeneous group of truckers and citizens who fight against the vaccination obligation. Like the yellow vests in their time, the “Freedom Convoy” is accused of being far-right, populist, racist, anti-Semitic… All adjectives are good enough to disqualify people who denounce an absurd health dictatorship.

Canada in danger!

But for Justin, there is no photo: the safety of the Canadians is threatened and he has decided to take out the greatest means. Individuals who are directly or indirectly linked to blockages will see their funds frozen by their bank. They will no longer be able to meet their daily expenses or feed their children. Yes yes, we are talking about the very “woke” Justin Trudeau and not Kim Jong Un. You don’t even need a court order for that. Exit the judges, these filthy leftists. But to circumvent the banking system, there are of course cryptocurrencies and if it is difficult to pay for maple syrup in BTC, support funds have been set up to redistribute money to activists who have been released. of the banking system.

Justin and his cowardly little arms

When he learned that, Justin took a leap. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police has therefore asked all cryptocurrency platforms to cease transactions on 34 addresses linked to “truckers-Nazis-Satanists”. If it is impossible to stop cryptocurrencies, centralized purchasing platforms are easy targets since they are regulated by law. In short, if your BTCs are on a platform outside the Canadian sphere of influence, if they are on a Ledger wallet, Trezor or on a software wallet like Jaxx or Metamask, there is no risk. for Justin to do anything with his quinoa-raised coward’s little arms. On the other hand, on platforms established in Canada and benefiting from a license, the blocking of addresses is possible. The CEO of Kraken also advised those concerned: It’s time to “get your money out of centralized platforms” because he will be obliged to comply with the requests of the authorities.

Cryptos to restore the rule of law

Ethereum inventor Vitalik Buterin said lately that “If a government uses banks to cut off the livelihoods of citizens, […] cryptocurrencies restore the rule of law ».

Among other things, we see that Trudeau does not really understand how it all works: the authorities sent a letter to, a “multisig” (a “two-key” safe) wallet that is impossible to access even for Nunchunk. The site’s answer is famous:

“We cannot freeze our users’ funds or prevent them from transferring them. We also cannot know what they have and where they are. That’s the concept. Please find out how private keys work and come back to us when the Canadian dollar is worthless, we’d love to have you as our customers. »

Direct to the liver.

Think decentralized!

If Justin Trudeau begins to make his pocket dictator, we must also fear this kind of overflow in France. If you too are worried and you have some money on a Livret A whose interest rate no longer even compensates for inflation, consider cryptocurrencies. It’s not about investing in Bitcoin if you don’t know anything about it, but maybe putting that money in the stablecoins, these cryptos pegged to the euro (EUR-L) or the dollar (USDT) and which do not move an inch no matter what. It is possible in French Coinhouse which accepts SEPA bank transfers. To be safe afterwards, you will have to move your capital to a free wallet like Metamask or a paid one like Ledger USB keys for example. Here are some links to see more clearly, but do not hesitate to ask us for details in the comments, we will make a complementary article:

Tutorial : How to easily buy Bitcoins and cryptocurrencies at Coinhouse

Tutorial : Protect your Bitcoins with the Ledger Wallet Nano S

“Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says he wants to block more cryptocurrency wallets”. “Trudeau doesn’t understand how cryptos work”

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