Fiscal Year 2023 – Why Fear is Misplaced
The outlook looks bleak: our money is worth less, inflation is close to 10 percent and stock exchanges and supply chains are not stable. Energy prices are rising, wars and catastrophes will finish us off. It all sounds like a financial apocalyptic mood. But how realistic is this impression anyway?
Let’s look at the whole topic objectively. An attribute that I believe we dem Financial report of the Federal Ministry of Finance can attribute. This also includes an outlook for the financial year 2023. And it’s not even that pessimistic.
Fiscal year 2023: Looking forward to growth
What’s in it? GDP : rising! Private consumption: rising! Investments: will increase! And the world economy? The federal government is also expecting significant growth there. No sign of the apocalypse. I think we should all keep that in mind.
The financial report also takes a positive view of the job market. The editors assume an increase in employment and a normalization of the labor market. And that – breathe a sigh of relief now – even with increasing wages.
Inflation 2023: No need to panic
An important factor continues to be energy prices, which have been one of the main drivers of inflation. I’m glad that the horror reports about energy prices eating up everything are over.
Gas and electricity prices are roughly back to pre-war levels. Even if it will take some time before the price reductions reach the end customer, there is currently no longer any reason to panic.
set in relation
Anyone who now thinks that everything is very one-dimensional and viewed through rose-tinted glasses might even be right. Because yes, there are of course risks and ambiguities.
The ongoing war of aggression by Russia against Ukraine, the risk of natural disasters that can trigger terrible emergencies such as those currently in Turkey and Syria, or possibly renewed outbreaks of infection. All of this can come. And then we will have to deal with and live with the effects.
The financial year 2023: A matter of mindset
But nevertheless we have to keep our positive mindset. The ever-growing trend of inciting fear is terrifying and downright destructive. Because whoever is afraid freezes, whoever is afraid helps neither themselves nor others and whoever is afraid doesn’t make anything better.
So let’s have faith in the positive things to come. And let us trust that the year 2023 will show us new paths and open up new opportunities. That there will be innovations that can have a positive impact on all of our lives and that we, as responsible people, will also be able to deal with challenges.
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