Find Whispering Keys and open Silent Chests in Diablo 4
Do you finally feel like opening the darn Silent Chests, but you’re missing a Whispering Key? No problem – we’ll show you where to buy the keys.
Languages:German English
Platforms:Windows PC, Xbox One, PlayStation 4
During your travels through Sanctuary, you may occasionally come across a Silent Chest, but it is always locked. By interacting with the chest, you will learn that you need a Whispering Key to open it. But these can neither be found in the vicinity nor are they dropped by enemies. In the following we will tell you where to get the keys.
What is a silent chest?

Silent Chests do not have a fixed location in Sanctuary. Instead of conventional treasure chests, they appear randomly and contain random loot in view of the rarity of the items inside. However, they cannot be opened easily, which is illustrated by the thick chain around the treasure chest. When interacting with a Silent Chest, it becomes clear: only a Whispering Key can open it.
You don’t have to search the surrounding area to get such a key, nor can you hope that nearby enemies will drop it after they die. Instead, you can purchase the consumable.
Find Whispering Keys

For a Whispering Key, you must have one curio dealer visit. Such merchants can be found in the capital cities of Sanctuary’s regions. On the map, their location is symbolized by a purse. The Curio Merchant will offer each item type at a purely random rarity level in exchange for oboluses. From the usual to the legendary item, everything can end up in your inventory after purchase.
You can also find it at the bottom of his list of trade goods Whispering keys that cost 20 oboluses. The so-called Whispering Obouse is an alternative currency from Diablo 4, which you can currently only spend at the curio dealer. You get the currency by successfully completing random world events.
But make sure that you initially only carry around 500 of them with you can. You should definitely spend them before you reach the limit. Fortunately, the limit can also be increased by increasing your standing in the five regions of Sanctuary. Incidentally, in your inventory you will find the amount of your Whispering Oboluses on the same bar as your gold supply.
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