
Finally! There is an app to talk underwater

Here he is. An app to use underwater to communicate with each other.

Researchers at the University of Washington have created an underwater communication app, which uses sonic signals to relay messages to your other submerged friends. It may sound crazy, but millions of people could use this technology in both recreational and professional diving situations.

Underwater app

We have all experienced it: talking under water is impossible. That’s because radio waves are absorbed by water, and no signal our phones send or receive can travel more than a few inches without being completely lost. Sound waves, on the other hand, travel quite easily through water and are used by countless aquatic animals to communicate. But not humans – because the way we make sound only works well in the air. So for as long as anyone can remember, divers have communicated with each other through hand gestures and other gestures.

Professional divers have a vocabulary of dozens of signals, from “low in the sky” to “danger on your right” and anything you can think of that comes up during a dive. But you have to learn those and see them when they get used to working; you can bet some divers wish they could pronounce a message the way they do over the waves. And this is exactly what the app does.


The technique uses a modified form of “chirping,” or using the phone’s speaker to create high-frequency audio signals to communicate data rather than radio. This has been done before, but not in such a simple, self-correcting way that any smartphone can use.

“With AquaApp, we demonstrate underwater messaging using the speaker and microphone commonly available on smartphones and watches. Aside from downloading an app to their phone, people only need a waterproof phone case suitable for the depth of their dive,” the developers said in a press release.

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