
Elon Musk is becoming a heavy block on the leg

Tesla boss Elon Musk is probably one of the most controversial and also one of the most successful businessmen in the world. For years he was the engine behind the success of his e-cars, but the billionaire is now increasingly becoming a risk for the car manufacturer. According to a survey, he would do better to pack his things.

Musk makes a mess: Tesla boss harms his company

Elon Musk is not good for Tesla. This is the opinion of the majority of the participants in a survey carried out by the opinion research institute Civey on behalf of T-Online has performed. According to her, the majority of respondents are very critical of Elon Musk at the head of Tesla: 71 percent stated that Musk’s recent public appearance has negatively impacted her image of the automaker influence Musk’s personality is a positive influence for only 5 percent.

almost congruent 70 percent also assume that that The behavior of the CEO is a pity for the car manufacturer. Whether this meant financial damage or image damage – or both – is not explained in more detail. At least 16 percent see no damage to Tesla from Elon Musk and his appearance. The fact that the carmaker lost 65 percent of its value on the stock market in the past year speaks against it.

The sympathy values ​​for the brand are correspondingly low: only 10 percent have a positive attitude towards Tesla, while 68 percent little or no sympathy for Tesla cherish 58 percent also said their opinion of Tesla had deteriorated in the past six months. 5,023 people took part in the survey, which took place between 27.01. and 03.02.2023.

Even without Tesla, Elon Musk would still have a lot to do:

Expert demands freedom for Tesla: Musk should go

That Musk is no longer good for Tesla is a view shared by a finance professor at New York University: Is it up to Aswath Damodaran, the carmaker must break away from Elon Musk. That could probably only be done if he no longer runs the business as CEO. After years at the helm of the world’s most valuable automaker, that would be a major turning point for both Tesla and Musk himself.

It’s not the first time polls have found that Tesla is no longer doing itself any favors with Elon Musk at the helm. At least as the new head of Twitter, Musk had also asked users after a short time at the top if he should vacate his post. Most of them voted “yes”. Of course, nothing has happened since then.

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