
E.ON Energy Days – Shaping the new energy world innovatively [Werbung]

Energy is the most important element of our society. Without energy there would be no industry, no hot running water and no prosperity. So far, we have been using energy that we burn. Be it coal, oil or gas. But we also know that these energies emit emissions that are harmful to the climate and humans. In order to be able to sustainably satisfy our ever-growing hunger for more energy, we must primarily rely on new technologies.

Innovation is the driving force behind the energy transition. It catapults us into a better connected and more sustainable world. But what does this future look like – and how do we get there? What measures do we have to take to achieve change without friction losses?

That is what the three-day virtual conference “Energy Innovation Days” from E.ON wants to find out. It is one of the largest events for energy innovation in Europe and brings together experts from all over the world to discuss and exchange their perspectives on the way to a carbon neutral world.

During the three-day keynotes and panel discussions, it becomes clear that the power of innovation does not arise from a unified opinion. External experts discuss and debate with high-ranking E.ON executives. Your dialogue offers you a well-rounded perspective and analysis of the energy transition, new technologies and the latest research. It also becomes clear that there is not just one path that leads to the goal. If we want to stop climate change, then we will have to rely on different technologies from different areas.

This will not work without the help of the energy companies. They have the knowledge of how we must shape the electricity grids of the future. The experts who were invited to the “Energy Innovation Days” provided answers to pressing questions from society and in interviews they gave us exclusive information about their thoughts and plans.

We interviewed Leo Birnbaum, CEO of E.ON, who answered the most important questions about climate change. Jorgo Chatzimarkakis from Hydrogen Europe spoke about the industrialization of hydrogen. Blackout’s bestselling author Marc Elsberg commented on the measures he would like. Verena Nicolaus-Kronenberg, Vice President for Investor Relations, gave a picture of how sustainability is already an integral part of investments. And Dr. Susanne Rompel, VP of Political Affairs, gives us an insight into E.ON’s cooperation with governments.

Our behind-the-scenes video gives a glimpse into the day, but it’s worth delving into the discussion and watching the streams. We heard discussions and knowledge sharing between startups, utilities, policy makers and consumers about energy innovations and the three pillars of the energy transition: electrification, connectivity and digitization.

To see all presentations of the three days, please go to the event page and log into E.ON’s Republic of Innovators platform.

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