Dying Light 2 and the new Horizon -apkrig will be introduced on Thursday
June is knocking unstoppably on the door, and if you’ve been watching game news for a year or so, it’s clear to you what’s coming next month. As a harbinger of presentations and – hopefully – interesting announcements, but two important streams will come this Thursday. Techland developers will present footage from the upcoming Dying Light 2, and their Dutch counterparts from the Guerrilla Games are broadcasting a brand new demo from Horizon Forbidden West. In both cases, moreover, the release date could be clarified, given that the authors of the mentioned games have so far only spoken in general terms about the launch this year.
As for the second part of the Horizon event with the main heroine Aloy, the representatives of the developers on the PlayStation blog inform about the upcoming State of Play broadcast. The event will start on Thursday, May 27 at 6 pm Czech time, but you will only be able to watch the countdown for five long hours. The presentation itself with the already confirmed gameplay segment will not start until 11 pm, it should last exactly 20 minutes, of which 14 will be dedicated to your own playing. So we will probably see something very similar to the example of the upcoming Ratchet & Clank, which definitely does not sound bad. Please note, however, that due to the advanced class and the need to record a vidcast, we will not broadcast this State of Play. However, we will address the announcement on Friday morning and, of course, in the news summary.
The same goes for the demo from Dying Light 2, which we couldn’t see in action for a long time. However, the developers from the Polish studio Techland have been doing their best since the beginning of the year to convince the skeptics of the players that everything is fine with the game and are preparing a special stream. It will be broadcast on Twitch and you will be able to shorten the wait for Horizon with it – it will start at 9 pm Czech time. To this end, the developers also published a short teaser and sent an urgent e-mail to all parties. “Do you remember Harran? Who could forget… But our refuge now is the City that needs your help, ”the developers write. They also suggest that it is still a lothow much we need to know and supposedly already there is not much time left. However, it is difficult to judge whether we should read a message between the lines about the upcoming release, or whether these are just deliberately chosen words that should confuse players. We will be wiser on Thursday!