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Drink or drive? Three apps to test your alcohol level!

Three applications that work on the same principle: no, it’s not a question of blowing into your phone, but of indicating the different alcoholic beverages ingested as the hours pass and thus having a fairly accurate idea of ​​your condition. . Little tip; if you stagger, see double and make incoherent remarks, no need for an app: you’re drunk!

► AlcoTrack

AlcoTrack does not hesitate to present itself on the Play Store as “the most accurate and intuitive blood alcohol content calculator and consumption tracking application”, and without having tested them all, we must admit that AlcoTrack seemed particularly well done to us. You can monitor your regular consumption to lower it or keep it under control, or monitor it over a more limited period, such as an evening.

The principle is simple, you enter your physical characteristics, height, weight, age, gender… Then each drink you ingest: small/large beer, cocktail, wine, shot… The choice is vast and you can of course create your own drinks . One of the advantages of AlcoTrack is that it allows you to have an estimate of your blood alcohol level but also of the time it will take you to sober up, the calories consumed, and even the money spent… Only regrets: a little untimely video ads and some untranslated parts…

► AlcooTel

Alcootel is an application launched by the insurance company MAAF which works on the same principle as AlcoTrack, you enter your physical characteristics, height, weight, age and indicate as the evening progresses (or the day if it is your thing) your consumption of alcohol and solid foods. AlcooTel will tell you the evolution of the alcohol level in your blood, and if you exceed the authorized threshold for driving, you will not be offered to buy a special alcoholic insurance contract but to call a friend or a taxi, which which is surely more reasonable…

► Bacalizer

Called “alcohol calculator” in French, Bacalizer works on the same principle as the two previous ones, monitoring your consumption in the evening (or day) for an estimate of your blood alcohol level according to your body size, age and sex. The advantage of Bacalizer is a large number of drinks offered and classified by brand, which makes it possible to have a more precise idea of ​​your real alcohol consumption. A few annoying ads but nothing unbearable.

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