Don’t get a fiber optic contract at the door

Fiber optic contracts are increasingly being sold at the front door. Consumer advocates urge caution: While it may actually be worth concluding a contract early, consumers should not allow themselves to be put under pressure. There is also a 14-day right of withdrawal at the door.
Consumer center warns against fiber optic sales
Many have already experienced it themselves: the doorbell rings and the representative of an Internet provider explains the expansion of the fiber optic network that is currently taking place. A contract should then be signed as directly as possible in order to take advantage of the limited time offer to be able to
According to Deutsche Telekom, this type of direct marketing is a “very successful sales channel”. Customers would appreciate the offer. At the same time, Telekom, like other providers, points out that no own employees sent out will. Instead, this task is left to subcontractors (source: daily News).
Consumers can hardly tell whether the person ringing is employed by Telekom or a subcontractor. The Bavarian consumer center not only warns of caution. The front door is in any case the wrong place to sign a contract. Consumers should read the offered contract calmly and not sign it immediately. Tenants should also speak to the landlord or property manager beforehand.
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Fiber Optic: Contract means no connection
Consumers should also know that signing a contract does not automatically mean that the household can also count on a fiber optic connection. Providers would first check via representatives whether on-site construction is worthwhile at all. If no construction takes place, consumers can opt out of their contract. The 14-day right of withdrawal that is customary for doorstep transactions also applies.