
Discovering Hydrogen – The Movie

The subject of hydrogen in the field of mobility and energy supply is admittedly a hot topic. There is one side that says that the energy transition is not possible without hydrogen and that it is best to use H2 everywhere. And then there are the vehement opponents who are of the opinion that hydrogen is the elixir of the devil and energetically rather senseless. Nicole Scott and I had talked about the subject over and over again for a long time and thought about how to approach it sensibly and openly. The basic idea was that we would make a short film about a hydrogen car and also look at the ecosystem. After a lot of discussions, it turned into a bigger and bigger project, which finally ended in our decision to make a film on the subject of hydrogen.

We interviewed many experts, looked at production facilities, went to Switzerland and spoke to the EU. The shooting lasted from August to November and was anything but easy in the worsening Corona situation in autumn. So we had to cancel interviews in Bavaria and leave the state almost in a hurry because the hotels were suddenly closed.

But Nicole and I managed to make the film despite all the problems. And the film made some things clear to us that we didn’t know before. We were not at all aware of how important hydrogen could be in the future, especially for poorer regions of the world. How independent hydrogen can make the inhabitants of large and small islands. And that supplying industry, which is largely responsible for CO2 emissions worldwide, is hardly possible without hydrogen.

In the film, we want to take viewers who may have known little about hydrogen on a journey with us. We explain where hydrogen comes from, how it is being produced at the moment (and what the problem is) and what role it plays. We spoke to supporters and skeptics. Including renowned scientists such as Professor Volker Quaschning and Professor Peter Strasser. There are also experts such as Betrand Piccard or the founder of the Greentech Festival Nico Rosberg. For this we have representatives from Linde, Total, Vattenfall and Hyundai. We also spoke to many startups that already offer amazing solutions, including for Africa.

Nicole Scott and I would be delighted if we could use the film to make the ongoing discussion about hydrogen a little more objective and bring in new ideas.

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