
Disband units and remove them from the army

The turn-based strategy game Age of Wonders 4 puts you in control of numerous warriors, magicians and mythical creatures. If the income per turn is getting tight, however, you might find yourself in distress and want to send some units into well-deserved retirement. But is that even possible? In this guide we will tell you how you can disband a unit so that you no longer have to pay for its maintenance.

In Age of Wonders 4 you can recruit units of different tiers and combine them into armies. You need them to explore the game world, collect treasures, fight wars or defend your own empire. Not only the number of your armies plays an important role, but also their combat strength. So it will inevitably happen during a game that you have units in your ranks that are simply too weak to fend off threats. You can also receive units as gifts by completing missions or eliminating creatures positioned in the game worldthat you did not recruit yourself.

Find a unit’s supply cost

Since each unit has a supply cost, this can create problems that threaten the survival or expansion of your empire. In most cases, units cost a certain amount of gold per turn. However, magical or simply strong units can also drain your mana supply. Particularly powerful units can even cost you hard-earned empires – a resource that you essentially need for purchasing realm skills.

Point the mouse cursor at a unit under “Recruit Units” to see details such as supply. (© Screenshot GIGA)

You can see how many resources a recruited unit needs to supply itself under the “Recruit Unit” tab in your city. Point the mouse pointer at a unit until a text window opens. In the last point under “Costs” you can see the supply costs required to maintain the unit. If a unit has already been recruited, finding the supply cost is a bit more difficult. You have to inspect the unit by right-clicking on the portrait. Supply costs are listed next to their level and rank.

Disband and remove units

Since both the gold and the mana supply can run out quickly – especially if you have to take on unexpected costs – it makes sense to remove a unit every now and then. This breaks the unit. It is no longer available in combat and cannot be retrieved. However, the supply costs that would otherwise be incurred flow back into your treasury with the next round and you avoid the morale loss of all recruited units if you can no longer pay their costs.

Inspect the unit and click the red button to disband it. (© Screenshot GIGA)

To disband a unit, you must inspect it. To do this, right-click on the unit’s portrait. A window opens with all unit details. On the right edge of the window you will see a circular button with a white helmet on a red background. The icon is relatively small and therefore easy to miss. If you click on the button, a text window opens, which reads: “Disband this unit and remove it immediately”. Click yes to get rid of both the unit and the supply costs.

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