
Did you know that Emoji have their rankings? They are the most used here

Basically, all products in the world have their popularity and sales charts, mobile applications are similar in official stores, and for example, such an Instagram also boasts from time to time which filter people use the most. But did you know that designation “most used” can it also be applied between graphic online emoticons, so-called Emoji? Yes, for example, the Unicode consortium keeps a regularly updated table in which the most frequently used pieces are sorted.

The currently issued ranking belongs to Unicode v12.0, ie the two – year – old edition, which lacks the very latest variants of various faces, animals or objects. Even when looking at the results that were several months old, it is probably clear that the front partitions have been distributed and fixed for a long time.

Emoji charts most used Unicode 12

In the first position, they are the same in terms of median laughing Emoji with tears and classic red heart. On the second rung is a face with hearts in the eyes and a laughing head tilted for evidence of ROFL or rolling with laughter.

Emoji rankings most used Emojipedia Twitter 2020

However, there is another similar ranking maintained by the Emojipedia server. And there is a slightly different order at the top. Under the first laughing Emoji with tears in his eyes is a crying face and in the third place the so-called pleading face or famous “dog eyes”. This ranking is then based on data collected for 2020 on Twitter.

How much Emoji do you normally use? And which ones the most?

Source: Unicode, Emojipedia

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