Dangerous WhatsApp vulnerability makes you vulnerable – update immediately!
WhatsApp is actually considered a secure messenger. Now, however, a vulnerability has become known that is classified as very critical. In the worst case, malware can be installed on your smartphone without you noticing. Both Android and iPhone users are affected. But there is a solution.
WhatsApp with critical vulnerability
If you use WhatsApp a lot and like it, you should make sure that you have the latest version of the messenger installed as soon as possible. Because the vulnerability with the designation “CVE-2022-36934” was classified as very critical with a rating of 9.8 out of 10. So it can hardly be worse. Specifically, it’s about them Ability to install malware on your phone during a video call. This works on both Android and iOS devices with an old WhatsApp version (source: Whatsapp).
WhatsApp itself has not revealed where exactly the problem lies, but only recommends installing the latest version of the messenger. The security company Malwarebytes gave details. The vulnerability is very critical, but WhatsApp has already closed it. That’s why it’s so important that you use the latest version of the messenger so you don’t run the risk of catching malicious code during a video call. Especially in the case of security gaps that are viewed as so critical, you should definitely not wait with the update.
These are the best WhatsApp alternatives:
Always keep WhatsApp up to date
It is always advisable to keep apps up to date. Not only because developers are constantly integrating new functions and improvements, but also because many security gaps are being closed. You should regularly check the Play Store or App Store on your Android or iOS device for updates, especially for critical and very personal apps such as online banking or, in this case, WhatsApp. This is how you easily avoid risks.
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