Daddy Up helps fathers on their way
Today is Father’s Day and whether you are or will be a father yourself, or just interested in how such fatherhood can work, the Daddy Up app is probably the best app you can use for that, so the app is here this week in App of the Week. Many magazines and websites about pregnancy and parenthood are mainly aimed at mothers, so an app like Daddy Up is not an unnecessary luxury.
Daddy Up
What’s really funny about Daddy Up is that it has a theme. You have become a kind of forester and your children are therefore called ‘cubs’. You can enter a pregnancy where it is possible to enter the name of the mother of the child. So if you have made several ladies pregnant at the same time, you can keep track of the status of each pregnancy.
As a down-to-earth Dutchman, the app can be a bit overwhelming and that may be because of that theme. However, try to see through that a bit or put your critical eye outside the door for a while: this experience is ‘very American’, but in the end there are well-intentioned advice in the app and above all it helps you keep an overview of what you can do to preparation for childbirth and especially for fatherhood.
The app looks nice, is well-arranged and although it is not ideal that you have to create an account, you have everything set up within a minute. There is a big yellow button at the bottom of the app with ‘survival mode’, so if the birth starts and you don’t know where you are and what to do for a while, you can press that button and it will show your doctor’s number fixed (note: you have to fill it in yourself first). There is also space in the app for photos and it is great to deal with them consistently. This way you get a nice collection of photos in which you see your child growing up.
The only downside to Daddy Up is that it’s actually mostly pregnancy up, it’s mostly about the pregnancy period, rather than when the baby was born. For example, if you enter that your baby was born 2 weeks ago (or 7 years ago), you will no longer see any tips and advice. It is then only a stationary ‘card’ with age, name and possibly a photo. That’s a shame, but to help dads get started with the pregnancy and everything that comes their way, Daddy Up is a very nice app that both informs and reassures you. You don’t even have to wear a lumberjack shirt for that.

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Daddy Up
Today is Father’s Day and whether you are or will be a father yourself, or are just interested in how such fatherhood can work: the app Daddy Up is probably ..
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