
Craft President speaks plain language about heating replacement

The federal government has made a decision. From 2024, only climate-friendly heating systems that run on 65 percent renewable energies are to be installed. Classic gas and oil heating systems are out of the running. Jörg Dittrich, President of the Dresden Chamber of Crafts, sees a problem in that alone.

Heat pumps: Craft President has doubts

Politicians like to sell heat pumps as a panacea for the future of heating in Germany. Heat pumps can actually be implemented in many residential buildings and are constantly being further developed by manufacturers so that they can be used in old buildings. It’s not that simple after all, he says Interview with the President of the Dresden Chamber of Crafts with the MDR.

For example, he criticizes the fixation of 500,000 heat pumps per year to be installed in Germany. According to him, the number alone is useless if, for example, a heat pump is installed in an old building that has not been renovated. Then you could also hang in an “immersion heater”., according to Dittrich. That doesn’t do much in the end. The goal of the energy turnaround can only be achieved if you pay attention to the general goal of CO2 neutrality for Germany and not just follow a number of heat pumps.

According to the craft president, the heat pumps alone will not be enough for Germany. You also have to bring energetic building refurbishment into play, which must go hand in hand if you really want to ultimately improve the climate balance. But there would be a lack of skilled workers for this. There are enough experts to install heat pumps, but when the renovation is added, things get tight. In addition, hardly anyone could pay for it. The heat pump alone is an expensive pleasure. In the end, according to Dittrich, it must also be affordable to implement all of this.

What you need to know about heat pumps:

New funding program to come

While everyone is still waiting for the exact wording of the change in the law when it comes to climate-friendly heating systems from 2024, there are still no clear statements about the new funding program. It was once said that income should play a role. Elsewhere, one now hears that the old heating system is said to play a role. It will be interesting to see what they end up agreeing on.

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