
Court makes tough verdict on speed camera apps

Speedcam apps are a handy way to avoid getting expensive snaps while you’re in the car. Unfortunately, the popular applications for drivers are prohibited. Anyone who uses them anyway is taking an expensive risk. It is now clear that this does not only apply to drivers.

Speed ​​camera apps: Ban on applies to all occupants in the car

Speed ​​camera apps may be practical, but they are also prohibited: anyone who uses them as a driver is committing one administrative offence and face a hefty fine. On top of that, it is now clear that the ban potentially extends to all occupants of a vehicle, if the driver is aware that a speed camera warning app is being used by someone on board (source: Mirror).

The reason for the decision is a fine procedure against a 64-year-old who was checked by the police in Heidelberg in 2022 for exceeding the speed limit. He lodged an objection to the fine and has now conceded defeat before the Karlsruhe Higher Regional Court.

Although ultimately that Cell phone of an attendant was on the center console and was used for speed camera warnings, the judges ruled against the driver’s objection. During the traffic check, the officers realized that he knew about the app because he tried to hide the cell phone of the passenger, it is said as a reason.

The driver has to Pay 100 euros as a fine. It is not known whether he and the passenger share the costs. The verdict from Karlsruhe was pronounced on February 7th and is now final. It should also have a proper signal effect and the decision will therefore also apply to other cases. The loophole of circumventing the ban using someone else’s mobile phone has been closed.

These apps look great on any smartphone:

Just don’t drive too fast

If you know yourself and your lead foot well, you can get around the problem in modern cars with cruise control, for example. After all, the easiest – and correct – way not to be flashed is to don’t drive too fast.

You should also keep your eyes open in the run-up to your trip: Many police stations provide information in advance about planned speed camera campaigns in their area of ​​responsibility. For example, if you follow your local police on Twitter, you have a good chance of being warned – even without an illegal app.

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