The Daredevil series could return. The first indications of a comeback of the Marvel series with the red devil at Disney + are already making the rounds. Preparations may have already begun, but Disney has not yet officially announced anything.

Daredevil: series comeback at Disney +?

Disney+ could grab Daredevil and one new Series about the Marvel character as a stream offer. In this regard, the first indications have emerged that there is already talk of pre-production. The working title therefore consists of the appropriate term “Daredevil Reboot”, which actually does not allow any other conclusion (source: Production Weekly).

Disney or Marvel Studios have not yet commented on a possible comeback of the red devil. The original The series ran on Netflix from 2015, but was canceled after three seasons. The last episode, The Devil You Know, aired on Netflix in October 2018. After the launch of Disney+, the streaming provider also discontinued other Marvel series.

An important question remains about what kind of reboot it could be. Matt Murdock’s cameo in Spider-Man: No Way Home didn’t give much away, but it did show a character who looked and acted extremely like Netflix’s Daredevil. This could be taken as an indication that a possible reboot wants to tie the series firmly to the current Marvel Cinematic Universe.

What exactly does Disney+ offer? The answer in the video:

MCU fans excited for Daredevil at Disney+

Daredevil continues to be in high demand among MCU fans after Netflix’s cancellation. Disney, meanwhile, has not only added the original series to its own streaming service, but has repeatedly promised that it will in the future even more for Daredevil fans will give.