
China manufacturer NIO sees its mistake

NIO has made a rapid ascent with its e-cars. Three models, called ET7, EL7 and ET5, have recently become available for German customers. But the Chinese brand, which has attracted attention with its battery replacement model, is facing a problem in Germany. Now NIO has apparently seen the error.

NIO backtracks: False starts in electric cars will be corrected

NIO’s start in Germany a few weeks ago should shake up the electric car market. Finally, the Chinese e-cars have one powerful unique selling proposition: Instead of waiting a long time at the charging station while the battery is being supplied with fresh energy, NIO drivers should be able to simply exchange an almost empty battery for a full one at battery changing stations – fully automated and done in a few minutes.

Tesla, VW and the other manufacturers have a hard time nibbling on that, because nowhere else can electric cars be back on the road so quickly with a full battery. But NIO also took a home-grown risk when it started in Germany. Because the electric models from China will only offered by subscription Buyers will have to look elsewhere — at least so far.

Lease an e-car and collect an environmental bonus

Because NIO has apparently seen the error. Since the start event at the beginning of October, many inquiries have been received from the NIO community, it is said. Everyone had the same reason: customers want to buy an e-car from NIO, not rent it. In the home country of China and the first European market, Norway, NIO offers this, but initially decided against it for Germany and other countries.

From November 21st: NIO offers e-cars for sale

Now the turnaround follows according to the customer’s wishes: From November 21, NIO also wants to offer its electric cars for sale (Source: CNEV Post). Delivery for purchased models should take place from 2023 at the earliest, an exact date has not yet been given. The purchase prices are also largely speculation so far. Only the ET7 model already has a BAFA list price of 58,739.50 euros. Including VAT, the purchase price is 69,900 euros.

With the expected purchase prices, NIO also has to fear the price of electricity for its e-cars:

Now you could say that NIO takes customer feedback seriously – on the one hand, that’s right. On the other hand, one probably misjudged his start in Germany. More details such as prices or whether the battery still has to be rented to use the changing stationsNIO wants to announce from November 21st.

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