
Chaos at dinner? This is how you prevent that

Where some families only sit at the table for five minutes or simply eat on the couch, Elisa takes half an hour every day. ‘At the table, all together. That sounds like a hell of a job – and indeed, sometimes I have to meditate afterwards to calm down. But eating together is important. In this way we stay connected with each other in the hectic everyday life.’

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Meanwhile, Elisa has learned what she can do to make the ‘chaos’ during dinner a bit more bearable. ‘First, give everyone a permanent place. If you don’t, there’s bound to be fights around all corners of the table. Also make sure that no telephones or other screens are placed on the table. Really, you’ll survive if you have to look at each other for half an hour.’

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Another tip from Elisa: keep a fixed start and end time. “And give everyone in there a chance to say something, without the rest interrupting him. That requires training, but it helps.’ To prevent it from becoming a chicken coop, you can also try starting a conversation. “And I mean, ask each child about their highlight of the day, or what interesting fact they want to share,” explains Elisa.

Cool down a bit

Is it still in the soup? ‘Then play a quiet game. Strangely enough, that usually works. If there is a child who screams all the time, he can cool off in his room.’

Elisa cannot give any guarantees, but she hopes all parents will consider her tips. ‘At least try it once. I would say: grab your cutlery and enjoy your meal.’

Source: Scary Mommy

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