‘Can’t things just go normal while packing for the holidays?’
Photography: Nine IJff
Sanne is known for her sketch videos on her Instagram channel @laviesanne. She is the mother of James (8), Isé (5) and Amélie (1).
We are going to Crete with the family in five days. The suitcases are ready, the most important holiday purchases are in the house and you won’t believe it, but I even thought of signing out the smallest ones at the shelter and requesting exchange days in advance. For the first time in ages, I cautiously dare to think that we now have the preparation for a trip in order…
Get rid of complacency
With a satisfied feeling about so much overview and control I walk down the stairs with a spring. Exactly at that moment I see a white envelope from the national government fall on the mat. Get rid of complacency. What now, it crosses my mind. The letter is addressed to my middle daughter. Huh, why? As I read, fear strikes my heart. Isé’s passport expires in a week and a half. In the middle of our vacation! My relaxed state of mind is no longer to be seen in fields or roads. Can things never go back to normal here?
“Pff, won’t you see that we will have to stay home with the whole spiky…”
I sprint towards my laptop and google like crazy to see what I can arrange in the short term. Pff, you will see that we will soon have to stay home with the whole spiky… I think of my meticulous preparation and my many check moments this week: flight times, weather reports, nice restaurants, idyllic beaches. They wouldn’t drive me crazy this time. Not for a moment did the validity of the passports cross my mind.
I manage to make an appointment for an emergency passport in the nick of time. I can go within two days. “Don’t forget to bring all the necessary documents. And don’t forget the passport photo”, the desk clerk reassures me. To be on the safe side, I put several notifications in my phone. I can’t afford another mistake.
That Wednesday, just as I get into the car to go to the town hall, my help comes running out. “Sanne, you forgot something! This was still on the table.” She waves a white leaf. Ah, my statement of consent. With a little help from my help, it turned out okay.
This article appears in Kek Mama 07-2023, available in stores from 4 July.
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