
Brutal co-op shooter rivals Doom

Anyone who loves Left 4 Dead and celebrates Doom should keep an eye on the first-person shooter Ripout. The first game from indie developer Pet Project Games combines cooperative gameplay and brutal splatter attacks. Convince yourself with the new trailer!

Ripout: Horror shooter finds a home

The promising horror shooter Ripout is included 3D realms found a well-known publisher and celebrates this alliance with a new trailer. Such legendary shooters as Duke Nukem, Shadow Warrior and Wolfenstein were created under 3D Realms. The small development studio Pet Project Games feels accordingly honored. On Steam the developers write:

We’re happy to announce that none other than the legendary 3D Realms will be the publisher of Ripout 🙂 We listened to your great feedback after releasing the last trailer in August and decided to bring our fps horror co-op shooter too to release on current-gen consoles!

This means that Ripout will also be released for the Xbox Series X and the PlayStation 5. A release for the PlayStation 4, the Nintendo Switch or older Xbox models is not planned.

Rip and Tear

In Ripout, players fight their way through dark spaceships and endless hordes of monsters. The randomly generated levels, the collectible loot and variable levels of difficulty should be there the classic motivation spiral fuel and provide countless hours of fun. The biggest peculiarity are the so-called Living Pet Guns.

The living weapons not only look very bizarre, but are an essential part of the gameplay. In this way you can literally slaughter the nasty monsters, hence the name of the game, in order to build the said weapons from their entrails and body parts. You already know that in one way or another from Monster Hunter. Only the ripout puts more emphasis on blood and mesentery.

Incidentally, the shooter does not yet have a specific release date, but the developers are certain that the game will be released this year.

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