BMW’s digital key becomes more secure – with UWB
The Digital Key Plus works first with the BMW iX. (Image: BMW)
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BMW is expanding the functions of its digital key – i.e. the ability to open and start the vehicle using a smartphone app. The new “Digital Key Plus” is expected to be used in the BMW iX for the first time.
BMW is expanding its digital key to include UWB technology and will henceforth call it “Digital Key Plus”. The first vehicle that can be opened with the new key will be the BMW iX. Older vehicles lack the required chip.
UWB has not yet been part of the digital key specification
The ultra-wideband technology made possible with the iPhone’s U1 chip should allow BMW drivers to safely unlock and start the car without having to take the iPhone out of their pants or other pockets. It is the first major technical upgrade since the introduction of the digital key in 2018. BMW uses the key as part of the My-BMW app.
So far, the standard had relied on existing technologies such as GSMA, Bluetooth, NFC as well as a global and a trusted service manager infrastructure (TSM). Now UWB is added.
Particularly precise localization possible via UWB
The particular advantage of UWB technology in the envisaged application is that UWB enables particularly precise localization of the position of the chip and thus the position of the driver and the vehicle. In developing the new generation of the digital key, BMW worked closely with Apple and the Car Connectivity Consortium (CCC) to establish Specification 3.0 of the digital key for UWB. This is designed as a global standard for the automotive industry. The more than 80 members of the CCC include VW, Apple, Samsung and Audi as well as Daimler, Hyundai, LG, Qualcomm, Huawei as well as PSA, Toyota and GM.